Andrea Nóblega Carriquiry

Ms. Andrea Nóblega Carriquiry holds a B.Sc. degree with honours in architecture, and obtained a double master degree in M.Sc. International Cooperation in Urban Development (Technische Universität Darmstadt) and International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) as part of the Mundus Urbano program through an Erasmus+ scholarship

. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate of the the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in the Department of Geography in the area of Resources, Risks and Environmental Change in Catalonia, financed by FI 2020 funds. Her research focuses on the contributions of Sustainable Stormwater management to Urban Political Ecology, highlighting the eco-social and eco-political facets of urban systems and how they can contribute to more just and sustainable solutions in green drainage infrastructures.

Previously she has worked as an architect for the private sector, as an assistant professor and as a technical consultant for UN Habitat where she focused on urban resilience to climate change and urban basic infrastructures.