Return from l’ecole researche-action on transitions and controversies
MUSE and its partners held a Research-Action School from October 1st to 5th 2018 focused on transitions and controversies.
Organized with ESSEC, the French Development Agency and the Campus de la Transition, the Ecole Recherche-Action focused on understanding the controversies in the field of agriculture and food and tested the interest of such an approach to facilitate the transitions towards sustainable development. For this reason, a concrete example in the Montpellier region was selected: controversies related to transitions in viticulture and the wine sector. Conducted with the help of researchers and local stakeholders, the experimental and innovative pedagogical approach convened 35 participants.
This event contributes to the design of MAK ‘IT (Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions). It also participates in strengthening the partnership between institutions in Montpellier and Paris on transitions for sustainable development. This experience is intended to be renewed elsewhere and/or on other topics.