École Recherche-Action 2021 COVID 19 & Controverses


Dealing with socio-scientific controversies in order to lift the blockages they generate and accelerate transitions towards sustainable development, that is the ambition of The Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (MAK’IT) « COHORTE » program.

This École Recherche-Action will be inspired by the analytical approach proposed by the Institute by putting it into practice around the concrete example of Covid-19.

This session, carried out in partnership with experts in the scientific analysis of controversies and pedagogical innovation, will alternate group workshops and poolings, through an innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary methodology.

You are a researcher, teacher, student, specialist or novice, you are interested by the study of controversies and its application to the Covid-19 pandemic: join us!


Monday 18 january
Introduction & methodology
Analytical framework of controversies
Selection of Covid-19 controversies

Tuesday 19 january
Controversies mapping
Descriptive approach : Identification of stakeholders, arenas, stakes and arguments
Role playing : « Down with the masks! »

Wednesday 20 january
Controversies mapping (cont’d)
Analytical approach : Disciplinary contributions and trajectories of controversies

Thursday 21 january
From controversies to action
Impacts on transitions and SDGs
Recommendations and priority lines of actions
Debate with « Grands témoins »

Friday 22 january
Conclusion and perspectives
 « Shark Tank : 20 min to convince »
Feedback from the week

REGISTRATION before January 8, 2021 


This sessionwillbecarriedout in full respect ofhealthprotectionmeasures.