Experiences and perspectives on new genetic technologies for plant breeding in argentina, colombia, and france: regulation, adoption and perception

Thaura Ghneim-Herrera&Facundo TabbitaMAK’IT 2020-2021 Fellows, are pleased to invite you to the roundtable: Experiences and perspectives on new genetic technologies for plant breeding in Argentina, Colombia, and France: regulation, adoption and perception

In light of current international debates around new genetic technologies in agriculture, this virtual roundtable will present and discuss the state of adoption, regulation and perception of these technologies in Argentina, Colombia and France.


Keynote address: Responsible Research and Innovation in Genome Editing

Selim Louafi,Researcher, Deputy Assistant Director, Joint Research Unit ‘Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants’ (AGAP)

Regulation of new genetic technologies for plant breeding: current status in different countries

Krishna Ravi Srinivas,Researcher, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) (India)

Dalia Lewi,Director of Bioeconomy at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (Argentina)

Alberto Rosero, Technical Director of Seeds, Plant Protection, Regulatory Body for Genetic Technologies – Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) (Colombia)

Adoption of new genetic technologies for plant breeding: from research capacities to field approval

Gabriela Massa,INTA Project Coordinator, Gene editing, transgenesis and mutagenesis as generators of new variability in species of agricultural interest (Argentina)Paul Chavarriaga-AguirreLab leader of the Gene editing platform – International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (Colombia)

Emmanuel Guiderdoni, Team leader, ‘Genetics and varietal innovation’ in AGAP – Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research (CIRAD) (France)

Public perception of new genetic technologies: Is it early to talk about it?

Marisa Lopez Bilbao,President of REDBIO Argentina (Argentina)Ximena Serrano,President of the Colombian Association of Scientific Journalism (Colombia)


Patrick Caron, Director of MAK’IT

Open and closing remarks:

Thaura Ghneim-Herrera&Facundo Tabbita, MAK’IT 2020-2021 fellows