To what extent does the covid-19 crisis invite reconsideration of the implementation of development projects as rural commons?

Tuesday 22 June, 10:00 – 11:30 (CEST)

The Covid 19 pandemic has affected society in the most profound and grave way across all facets of society. Rural communities have been affected in many different ways, including in the implementation of ongoing development projects. The lockdown has considerably reduced the exchanges between beneficiaries and project members. The functioning and the good use of the infrastructures provided by the projects then relied mainly on the self-organisation capacities of the local populations.

While the commons are imbedded in many settings of rural Africa, they have not been the easiest for researchers to understand, even under ‘normal’ circumstances. This public event is an opportunity for reflections on the commons, based on experiences of the ProSuLi project and shared experiences from elsewhere in the world. Key to this reflection is the need for creativity in informational resources and reflection tools, as well as the need for new considerations for sustainability of development projects as well as continued space for information gathering, even beyond development projects. The setting is the borehole interventions through ProSuli to support livestock and crop production for communities that have to coexist with wildlife.

Programme and speakers

10:00-10:10      Introduction

Alexandre Caron,Disease Ecologist, CIRAD
Christophe Le Page,Researcher, CIRAD

10:10-10:35      Presentation – Tested  by the Covid-19 pandemic? The impact of the crisis on community projects in Transfrontier Conservation Areas, examined through Ostrom’s sustainability lenses: The example of the ProSuLi Sengwe Project in Zimbabwe

Prisca Mugabe,Deputy Dean & Associate Professor of Rangeland Ecology and Animal Production, University of Zimbabwe & MAK’IT Fellow (JRU ASTRE/SENS)

10:35-10:40      Voices from communities involved in the ProSuLi project

10:40-10:50      Contribution of the ‘Commons approach’ to the implementation development projects

Stéphanie Leyronas,Research Officer, French Development Agency (AFD)

 10:50-11:00      Development projects and traditional commons: what future?

Chimère Diaw,Director General, African Model Forests Network Secretariat (RAFM)

 11:00-11:25      Questions from the audience

 11:25-11:30      Closing remarks

 Patrick Caron, Director of MAK’IT


Edson Gandiwa, Director of Scientific Services, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority