Montpelier welcomes new International Researchers

A fresh wave of intellectual energy has swept into the city as international researchers from various academic disciplines arrive, marking the beginning of a groundbreaking initiative that promises to benefit the scientific community in Montpellier interesting in sustainability. These visiting scholars will participate in a series of weekly seminars aimed at fostering dialogue with the Montpelier community.

The program, led by MAK’IT, includes experts from fields as diverse as climate science, social sciences, and chemistry. With Montpelier serving as a central hub, this initiative is designed to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical, community-oriented solutions.

A Global Presence in a Local Setting

The arrival of these fellows is part of a larger international exchange program, bringing academics from as far away as Europe, Africa, and Australia to Montpelier during several months. “Montpelier is the perfect setting for this initiative,” said Patrick Caron, the MAK’IT director. Among the visiting fellows is Pr. Silvia Giordani from Ireland, who opened the first seminar of the academic year. “I’m excited to share insights from my career with young female leaders” said Giordani.

Weekly Seminars: A Platform for INTERDISCIPLINARY Engagement

A major highlight of the MAK’IT is the organization of weekly seminars that deal with interdisciplinarity and sustainability. These seminars will cover a wide range of topics, from gender equality to the impacts of pollutants on contaminated communities. Each seminar will be followed by an open Q&A session, encouraging lively discussions and community participation.

One of the central goals of this initiative is to break down the traditional barriers between disciplines to achieve sustainable development goals in the areas of agriculture and food, environment and health. The presence of these international researchers is expected to leave a lasting impact on Montpelier and dozens of local research units such as Innovation, ICGM, Eco&Sols, AIDA, LIRMM, CEFE and ISEM.