Dynamic modeling to SUPPORT Biodversity Conservation, Ecosystem Health and sustainability

  • Event type :
  • Dates : 27 November 2023
  • Hours : 09:00-17:00
  • Location : Amphithéatre Direction Resources Humaines, Université de Montpellier 5, Boulevard Henri IV, 34090 Montpellier

Environmental changes and human impacts are pressing concerns for ecosystem management. To understand the impacts of such disturbance on sustainability, a high diversity of data has been collected, ranging from regular monitoring programs conducted by government agencies and research institutes, fishery-dependent and -independent surveys, to citizen science. In this workshop, we aim to introduce cutting-edge methodologies for analyzing and modelling such data. The application of these methods in real ecosystems allows for a mechanistic understanding of different scenarios of biodiversity change with management implications.

9:00 Welcome Coffee

9:15 Opening remarks

Patrick Caron, MAK’IT Director
Chih-Hao Hsieh (Zac), 2023-2024 MAK’IT Fellow.

9:30 Session 1 Modeling approaches for understanding climate change impacts on plankton diversity

Sergio Vallina: Modelling the ecology & evolution of marine plankton at the global ocean using continuous-trait functions

Guillaume Le Gland: France Phytoplankton adaptive resilience to climate change collapses in case of extreme events – A modelling study

10:40 Coffee break

11:00 Session 2 Analytical approaches for complex data

Chih-Hao Hsieh (Zac): Constructing time-varying interactions for large communities using time series data

Lucía López: Topological structure of marine communities: potential versus realized networks

Marco Scotti: Loop analysis to model the impacts of multiple stress factors on marine ecosystems’ functioning

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Session 3 Applications and management implications

Jessica Junker: EuropaBON: Pioneering a Robust European Biodiversity Monitoring Network

Hsiao-Hang Tao: Track changes in the stability of North Sea cod over time and across spaceta

Manuel Hidalgo: Opportunities and needs of network analyses in benthopelagic marine communities

Orlane Anneville: Lacustrine Ecosystem Management: for better or for worse

Stanislas Rigal: Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe

16:20 Coffee break

16:40 Panel 4

Behzad Mostaji: Title to be confirmed

Zoé Eglaine: Title to be confirmed

16:40 Juan-Carlos Molinero Concluding remarks: leveraging data mining and
dynamic modeling to support sustainability