Meso approaches to agro-ecological transition

  • Event type : Séminaire
  • Dates : 18 March 2024
  • Hours : 09:30-16:30
  • Location : Amphi 206 - bâtiment 9 du campus INRAE - Institut Agro de la Gaillarde - 2 place Pierre Viala

This seminar aims to enrich the research frontier in agricultural and food systems by delineating the meso level, defining its specificities, and outlining effective approaches to bridge the gap between macro and micro perspectives.

The seminar will feature two key formats: a workshop dedicated to conceptual discussions and a series of presentations showcasing ongoing research. We strongly encourage researchers, particularly those in the final stages of their PhDs, to contribute their insights.

Kicking off at 9:30, the seminar will commence with a presentation of the MAK’IT program by Patrick Caron, followed by participant introductions and a keynote address. The morning workshop will delve into understanding the conceptual framework of the meso level within agricultural and food systems, its distinct characteristics, its interface with micro and macro levels, and the critical need for a precise definition within the context of transitioning agricultural and food systems.

After a networking lunch, the afternoon session (13:30 – 15:00) will feature concise presentations of ongoing research.

Each presentation (max 15 minutes) will address four key questions: (1) What is your research topic, and which field are you applying the concepts of micro-meso-macro? (e.g., economics, sociology, political science, agronomy, etc.) (2) What distinguishes the meso level from micro and macro in your research? (3) Why did you incorporate the meso level into your research? (4) How does the meso level interact with micro and macro levels in your research?

At 14:30, a concluding session will synthesize insights from the morning’s conceptual framework and the afternoon’s research presentations, aiming to foster collaborative efforts towards a working paper.

Following a coffee break, two keynote addresses (in French) by Sara Brunel (Chargée de mission de l’Observatoire de l’agriculture biologique de la région Occitanie) and Isabelle Touzard (Vice-President of Montpellier Mediterranean Metropolis Delegate for Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Biodiversity, Energy, Agroecology, and Food) will extend the analysis to the civil society.

The seminar will conclude at 16:30.

The primary language of the workshop will be English but according to French-friendly principles (interactions in French are welcome)

Confirmed participants include Eric Welch (Arizona State University), Pierre Gasselin (INRAE), Stéphane Fournier (Institut Agro), Kevin Morel (INRAE), Clara Santini, Eléonore Schnébelin (INRAE), Philippe Baret, Océane Duluins, Diana Borniotto (UCLouvain), Patrick Caron (MAK’IT), Mathieu Thomas, Christian Leclerc (CIRAD), Nawalyath Soulé Adam, Ludovic Temple (CIRAD), Jean-Marc Touzard (INRAE).