Ilaria Montagni

Dr Ilaria Montagni graduated in Communication Theories at the University of Florence, Italy. She received a European Doctorate, financed through a European Commission FP7 Program, in Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences from the University of Verona, Italy and the Inserm UMR_S 1136 Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Paris, France.

She joined the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center U1219, University of Bordeaux-Inserm as a post-doctoral fellow in 2014 to work for the I-Share cohort study on students’ health. She obtained a total of 200K euros for her research activities in digital health literacy. During the last two years of her post-doc (2018-2019), she led a team composed of a sociologist and a statistician plus four trainees per year to conduct her mixed-method research studies. She is the first author of 22 publications in public health and communication journals.

She is in charge of the courses in Health Communication and Value Creation of the Master’s programs in « Health Promotion », and « Public Health Data Science » of the University of Bordeaux. Since September 2020, she is a permanent Researcher-Lecturer for the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center and the Bordeaux School of Public Health (Isped) at the University of Bordeaux.