Sergio Schneider

Sergio Schneider is Full Professor of Sociology of Rural Development and Food Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Since 2003, Dr. Schneider benefits from a research scholarship from (he Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological development (CNPq) for high scientific productivity in social science research. He held several visiting scientist positions: at LADYSS, Paris-X University, Paris/France (1997-1998), at CPLAN, Cardiff University/Wales/UK (2007-2008), and at the Centre for Food Policy (CFP), City London University, UK (2015-


Dr. Schneider’s main research topics are rural development, food security and policies, rural non-agricultural activities, family farming, territorial development.

Dr. Schneider has published extensively and has supervised about 30 PhD and Post-Doc students. He has received several awards, including the FAPERGS Highlight Research Prize in Sociology of Rio Grande do Sul (2017).

Dr. Schneider has been President of the Brazilian Society of Economics, Sociology and Rural

Administration (SOBER) in 2011-2013 and Vice-President of the Latin American Association of Rural Sociology (ALASRU) in 2014-2018. He is currently Deputy President of the International Rural Sociology Association (IRSA).

Dr. Schneider acts as a reviewer of scientific journals in Brazil and abroad. He is a consultant to national and international organizations (FAO, WHO, IFAD, IICA, WHO, CIRAD, European Union)on rural development, agriculture and food issues.


The role of science in times of multiple and entwining crises: disruption, uncertainty and perspectives. Towards and agenda for reflection and action on food matters.