Jean Paul Metzger

Jean Paul Metzger is a Full Professor of Ecology at the University of São Paulo (Brazil). His fellowship at the Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions ran from 1 September to 30 November 2023.


Jean Paul Metzger is a distinguished Full Professor of Ecology at the University of São Paulo, with MSc and PhD degrees in Ecology from the University of Toulouse, France. 

Jean Paul Metzger has devoted his career to landscape planning and biodiversity conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. His research focuses on landscape connectivity, ecological thresholds, temporal responses to landscape change, and conservation planning. Recent work explores the interactions between landscape structure, ecosystem services, human well-being, and environmental policy effectiveness in multifunctional landscapes. 

Jean Paul Metzger uses modelling and scenario approaches to bridge landscape-level processes with restoration efforts. He has an extensive publication record, with over 200 papers in prestigious journals such as Science, Nature, Landscape Ecology, and Journal of Applied Ecology, with approximately 14,400 citations and an H-index of 55.

Research interests 

  • Urban Landscape;
  • Ecosystem Services;
  • Health;
  • Synthesis Science;
  • Transdisciplinarity

Project: Relations between ecosystem services and human health in cities – challenges and opportunities for collaboration

I seek to understand how the quantity, spatial distribution, and quality of green areas in cities are related to the provision of multiple ecosystem services, which in turn affect people’s health. The ultimate goal is to stimulate collaboration between Montpellier and Brazilian researchers on issues related to sustainability and health in cities, with a transdisciplinary and synthesis approach, focusing on the co-creation of nature-based solutions.

Why a fellowship in Montpellier?

During my stay in Montpellier, I would like to get to know better a large and qualified community working on issues of (urban) sustainability and biodiversity, and to identify possible partners to be involved in ongoing research, or to promote comparative research, or even to set up new collaborative projects.

During his fellowship in Montpellier, Jean Paul Metzger was hosted by two research units: the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) and the Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE).


Jean Paul Metzger is the director of Biota Synthesis, the “Nucleus of Analysis and Synthesis of Nature-based Solutions”, which will support the State of São Paulo in the development of socio-environmental public policies related to agricultural sustainability, ecological restoration, zoonosis control and disease prevention in urban areas, considering essentially nature-based solutions.

Jean Paul Metzger is currently Editor-in-Chief of Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (Impact Factor = 5.652). He has also made significant contributions as lead author to four assessments for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Jean Paul Metzger co-founded the Brazilian Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE-BR), served as Vice-President of IALE.

Recent publications on Jean Paul’s FAPESP profile include:

  • d’Albertas, F., Gerd Sparovek, Guedes, F., Hohlenwerger, C. and Jean Paul Metzger (2023). Yield increases mediated by pollination and carbon payments can offset restoration costs in coffee landscapes. One Earth. doi:
  • Piffer, P.R., Rosa, M.R., Tambosi, L.R., Metzger, J.P. and Uriarte, M. (2022). Turnover rates of regenerated forests challenge restoration efforts in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), p.045009. doi:
  • Douglas William Cirino, Leandro Reverberi Tambosi, Thaís Mauad, Sérgio de Freitas and Jean Paul Metzger (2022). Balanced spatial distribution of green areas creates healthier urban landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(7), pp.1884–1896. doi:
  • Jean Paul Metzger, Jaramar Villarreal-Rosas, Suárez-Castro, A.F., Sofía López-Cubillos, González-Chaves, A., Runting, R.K., Hohlenwerger, C. and Rhodes, J.M. (2021). Considering landscape-level processes in ecosystem service assessments. 796, pp.149028–149028. doi:

    Jean Paul Metzger, Jaramar Villarreal-Rosas, Suárez-Castro, A.F., Sofía López-Cubillos, González-Chaves, A., Runting, R.K., Hohlenwerger, C. and Rhodes, J.M. (2021). Considering landscape-level processes in ecosystem service assessments. 796, pp.149028–149028. doi: