George Curry

Prof. George Curry is a Geographer at Curtin University (Australia). George’s teaching and research interests are in the areas of Development Studies, migration, rural geography, and research methods.


Prof. George Curry is a Geographer at Curtin University (Australia). George’s teaching and research interests are in the areas of Development Studies, migration, rural geography, and research methods. Most of his research has been in rural Papua New Guinea, examining sociocultural and economic change associated with the transition to a market economy. Much of his research is at the household or village level, often involving extended periods of fieldwork. He uses a sustainable livelihoods approach to investigate how export cash cropping and labour migration are accommodated within quasi-subsistence economies, where indigenous relations of production and exchange and communal land tenure are still extant. His research project is on ‘Aligning innovation processes with livelihood and socio-cultural priorities: towards an understanding of the socio-cultural and economic factors that influence innovation adoption in farming households in Papua New Guinea, Africa and Latin America‘.