‘French Institutes for Advanced Study’ (FIAS)


The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the seven Institutes of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Paris and Rennes. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists to develop their innovative research projects in France.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, FIAS offers 40 fellowship positions: 4 in Aix-Marseille, 3 in Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), 10 in Lyon, 3 in Montpellier, 4 in Nantes, 13 in Paris and 3 in Rennes.

The call is open to all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and all research fields. Research projects in other sciences and in arts that propose a strong interaction and dialogue with the SSH are also eligible. Some host IAS have scientific priorities that need to be taken into full consideration before applying. At MAK’IT, the fellows’ research projects must preferably address, in a transversal way, MAK’IT three main action areas: Agriculture & Food, Environment and Health. They should strive to incorporate strong elements of inter-/trans-disciplinarity. Linkages with and impacts on societal issues and sustainable development transitions should also be highlighted.

MAK’IT’s fellows must be invited and hosted by a recognized research unit of their choice, affiliated with the University of Montpellier and/or its partners. This arrangement enables them to be fully integrated in the local research environment, while benefitting from the support and conducive scientific environment offered by an IAS, in an interdisciplinary cohort of fellows. The fellows will be free to organize their work and conduct research as they wish.

FIAS awards fellowships to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists. The minimum requirement is a PhD + 2 years of research experience at the time of the application. An exception will be made for scholars with a Master’s + 6 years of full-time research experience after the degree (PhD training will not be considered in the calculation of experience).

Researchers from all countries are eligible for the FIAS Fellowship Programme but they have to have spent no more than 12 months in France during the three years prior to the application deadline.

At MAK’IT, the fellows’ research projects must preferably address, in a transversal way, MAK’IT three main action areas: Agriculture & Food, Environment and Health. They should strive to incorporate strong elements about inter-/trans-disciplinarity. Linkages with and impacts on societal issues and sustainable development transitions should also be highlighted.

Any application dossier for MAK’IT must include an invitation letter from a recognized research unit of their choice, affiliated with the University of Montpellier and/or its partners, signed by its Director.  This letter can be co-signed by several units. It will confirm the willingness of the research unit.s to host the candidate for the whole fellowship period and provide details regarding the expected scientific cooperation. MAK’IT can support candidates in obtaining this letter. Any application without a valid invitation letter will not be considered further.

All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (min. net 2,700€ per month), social security coverage, accommodation, a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.

At MAK’IT, a hosting agreement is signed between the University of Montpellier, on which MAK’IT depends administratively, the host research units and the fellow to formalize the following modalities.

Research resources

Fellows invited by MAK’IT are detached from their usual obligations in their home institution and have the necessary availability to freely devote themselves to their research projects and participate in the Institute’s activities.

During their stay in Montpellier, they each have an office equipped with a computer, Internet access and printing facilities within the research unit.s that host.s them.  The fellows also have access to several meeting rooms and a 250-seat amphitheatre in MAK’IT’s premises.

MAK’IT facilitates access and extended lending rights in the main libraries of the University of Montpellier, as well as the possibility, with financial participation, of having lunch at the cafeteria of the research unit.s that host.s them, when this option is available.


MAK’IT hosts some of its fellows, coming alone or with their partner, in newly renovated, individual and fully equipped one- and two-room apartments at the Villa Leenhardt on the Triolet University Campus, 4 tram stops from MAK’IT premises, situated at the Institute of Botany.

For other fellows, especially those coming with their children, MAK’IT works with a seasonal apartment rental agency in Montpellier that offers a range of quality, fully equipped apartments in the city centre.

Requests for family accommodation must be indicated in the application form in order to be considered.

Flat-rate monthly allowance

MAK’IT allocates guest fellows a monthly allowance of a non-negotiable lump sum of net €2,700. This amount is calculated to enable fellows to largely cover the costs related to their stay in Montpellier.

Travel and visa

MAK’IT covers its fellows’ return trip between Montpellier and their usual place of residence, in economy class.

Any immigration costs (visa) are also covered by MAK’IT.

Insurance and social security coverage

The fellows must provide proof of adequate social security coverage, covering the risks of illness, accidents at work and civil liability, before arriving in Montpellier.

In the event that the coverage available through their home institution is not valid in France, MAK’IT will cover the insurance and social security costs of its FIAS fellows.

The MAK’IT team is at the fellows’ disposal to assist them in dealing with international health insurance companies.

Administrative services

The MAK’IT team is at the fellows’ disposal to help them with the administrative procedures related to their installation in Montpellier and the organization of their scientific events.

If necessary, their families also benefit from specific support: schooling of children, assistance with the academic integration of spouses, French as a foreign language courses, etc.

A stay at MAK’IT aims to enable guest fellows to carry out their research through an innovative and enriching approach, by freely organising their activities and working hours and benefiting from the necessary services and assistance in their daily practical and administrative procedures. It also implies the acceptance of certain conditions.

Time spent in Montpellier

Each invited fellow is required to be in Montpellier for at least 90% of the duration of his/her stay (excluding periods of closure of the Institute). This residency requirement, which is essential to establish genuine partnerships with the local scientific community, is compatible with occasional absences, which must be reported in advance. Absences of less than a week are simply notified to the host research unit(s) and the MAK’IT team. A longer absence will be subject to management approval.

Contribution to MAK’IT activities 

The fellow commits to contribute to the interdisciplinary activities, meetings and reflections organized by MAK’IT during his/her stay, including Fellows’ seminars and lunches (half a day a week). He/she undertakes to share the progress of his/her research with the other fellows and the local scientific community and to prepare a short activity report at the end of his/her stay.

Organisation of an international public scientific event in Montpellier

With the logistical and financial support of MAK’IT, the fellow commits to organise, during his/her stay in Montpellier, at least one scientific event of international scope, open to the public, in connection with his/her research project and in collaboration with the research unit.s that host.s him/her and the Montpellier scientific community more broadly.

Communication and dissemination of results

The fellow retains the intellectual property rights to the results of his/her research carried out as part of this fellowship with MAK’IT.

He/she undertakes to contribute to MAK’IT’s publications and other communication tools concerning the progress of his research.

He/she keeps MAK’IT informed of its participation in external symposia, seminars or scientific events as well as of his/her publications, prizes and distinctions obtained or any new development in his/her career.

He/she authorizes MAK’IT to publish his/her portrait and, if relevant, the results of his/her research carried out at MAK’IT for the Institute’s archives. In the event of their wider dissemination, the fellow undertakes to mention the support he has received from MAK’IT and to affix the Institute’s logo to them.

Applications are submitted online via www.fias-fp.eu where you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria and selection procedure.

Application deadline: June 6, 2023 – 6:00 pm (Paris, France time).

The scientific selection is highly competitive, merit-based and conducted through an international independent peer review.


  • Application deadline: June 6, 2023 – 6:00 pm CEST (Paris, France Time)
  • July-October 2023: Peer review process
  • November 2023: Preselection by the FIAS Selection
  • January – February 2024: Selection by the IAS Scientific Advisory Boards
  • March 2024: Communication of results