Martin Van Ittersum

Martin Van Ittersum holds a PhD (1992) in Agricultural and Environmental Science from WUR. His research and teaching focus on research concepts and methods for the analysis, design and integrated assessment of agricultural systems from field to farm, at regional and global levels. He has led and is leading a large number of international projects dealing with global food availability, yield gap analysis, phosphorus scarcity and climate change impacts. Between 2005 and 2009, Dr. Van Ittersum was the coordinator of the SEAMLESS project (System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling), an EU project gathering 30 universities and approximately 150 researchers. Currently he is co-leading the Global Yield Gap Atlas project, funded by the Gates Foundation.

Member of several editorial boards, he has been co-editor-in-chief of Agricultural Systems. In 2013 he was the co-chair of the First International Conference on Global Food Security